- by www.wr28.cn
- on Thu 18 May 2023
Category: eBay,eBay资讯keywords
#site_name#获悉,据外媒报道,近日eBay推出了一个名为“My business 24/7 on eBay”(我在eBay上的24小时业务)的新计划,该计划首先在哥伦比亚地区推行,其允许企业免费开设eBay商店,使本地产品可以出口到世界各个地方。
#site_ Name # learned that according to foreign media reports, eBay recently launched a new plan called "my business 24 / 7 on eBay" (my 24-hour business on eBay). The plan was first implemented in Colombia, which allows enterprises to open eBay Stores free of charge, so that local products can be exported to all parts of the world.smm panel paypal,free IG like
eBay全球新兴市场总经理Ilya Kretov表示,在过去的25年里,eBay帮助世界各地数十万家企业开展在线业务。因为疫情的重新流行,eBay创建了“My business 24/7 on eBay”这一新计划,这将使哥伦比亚的企业能够快速在网上建立商店,接触到190个市场中多达1.59亿的eBay买家。
Ilya Kretov此外,哥伦比亚地区是eBay非常重要的市场,目前有成千上万的活跃卖家在出口,该地区具有巨大的发展潜力。eBay希望能为世界各地的买卖双方创造联系,从而加快世界各地的经济发展。
据悉,除哥伦比亚地区外,后续eBay还将在墨西哥、阿根廷、智利、波多黎各和巴西等拉美推出拉美 My business 24/7 on eBay该计划将大力增加这些地区货物的出口,使这些地区的卖家能够接触到来自世界各地的消费者。
#site_name#了解到,eBay将在“My business 24/7 on eBay”计划中投资约10亿美元,并将为商家提供各种好处,如业务发展计划、免费超级商店、发展业务的个人经理、学习平台功能的培训计划以及提高销售限额等等。
#site_ Name # learned that eBay will invest about $1 billion in the "my business 24 / 7 on eBay" program and will provide businesses with various benefits, such as business development plan, free super store, personal manager for business development, training plan for learning platform functions, and increasing sales limit.smm panel paypal,free IG like
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