
亚马逊AWS获美国NSA高达100亿美元合同!微软对此提出抗议!smm panel for Instagram,ins video likes

#site_name#获悉,近日美国 安全局(NSA)已将一份价值高达100亿美元的云计算秘密合同授予亚马逊AWS。


据悉,该合同的代号为 "WildandStormy",它代表了美国情报界(由包括 NSA 在内的 17 个机构组成)在过去一年中授予的第二个价值数十亿美元的云合同。11月,中情局将其可能价值数百亿美元的C2E合同授予五家公司--AWS、微软、谷歌、甲骨文和IBM进行投标。

It is reported that the contract, code named "wild storm", represents the second multi billion dollar cloud contract awarded by the U.S. intelligence community (composed of 17 agencies including NSA) in the past year. In November, the CIA awarded its potentially tens of billions of dollars worth of c2e contracts to five companies - AWS, Microsoft, Google, Oracle and IBM.smm panel for Instagram,ins video likes




#site_name#了解到,AWS是亚马逊 赚钱的业务部门。2013年,AWS 与美国中央情报局签订了一份名为C2S的6亿美元的云计算合同。去年,AWS至少获得了中情局数十亿美元的后续C2E合同的一部分。微软两次赢得了五角大楼价值数十亿美元的联合企业防御基础设施合同,而不是AWS,但国防部官员在多年的诉讼后于7月取消了该合同。

#site_ Name # learned that AWS is Amazon's most profitable business unit. In 2013, AWS signed a $600 million cloud computing contract called C2S with the CIA for the first time. Last year, AWS won at least part of the CIA's multi billion dollar follow-up c2e contract. Microsoft twice won a multi billion dollar joint venture defense infrastructure contract from the Pentagon, rather than AWS, but defense officials cancelled the contract in July after years of litigation.smm panel for Instagram,ins video likes




小编✎   Irene/#site_name#
